1591 W. Centre, Suites 103 & 105
Portage, MI 49024

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Archived Articles
Watch for Warning Signs of Eating Disorders
Stress, Anxiety Affect Children, Too
Coping With Loss During the Holidays
Perfectionism and Eating Disorders: A Match Made in Heaven?
HHS announces actions to improve child mental health care
Reasons behind gamer rage in children are complex – and children are good at naming them
Parents' unpredictable behavior may impair optimal brain circuit formation
Facebook and Instagram addiction in adolescents linked to inequality, international study of 179,000
Eating behaviors of parents play a role in teens' emotional eating
Mothers’ stress rollercoaster while pregnant linked to negative emotions in babies
DNA responses to childhood trauma offer clues on which children will have long-term health issues
Youth Mental Health Was Declining in the U.S. Long Before COVID-19
Bullying Is the Norm. So Is an Inadequate Response
Addressing Discrimination Supports Youth Suicide Prevention Efforts